
Many foreigners are interested in moving to France, a highly developed post-industrial country whose economy, according to the International Monetary Fund, is the 3rd largest in Europe and the 7th largest in the world. The country is located in Central Europe and is a member of several major global alliances, including the EU, NATO, G7, OECD and WTO. The nominal GDP here is about 2.71 trillion US dollars, and absolutely different economic sectors, from world tourism to agriculture, are well developed.

The French Republic is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of industrial production and, according to the World Population Review, the most visited state on the planet. It has a high standard of living, with local salaries far exceeding their standard expenditures. Among the strengths of the republic are also developed infrastructure, rapid digitalization, modern quality medicine, excellent climatic and environmental indicators.

Immigration lawyers will help you find the best way to move to France quickly and inexpensively. Make an appointment for a free review of your personalized request right now.

Reasons to choose France for relocation

Emigration from other countries to France interests those who want to improve their standard of living and gain access to European systems of entrepreneurship, labor protection, education, and social security. The Republic is loyal to foreigners and offers many different relocation programs, including those for investors, startup entrepreneurs and financially independent persons. The principles of democracy and equality apply here – immigrants do not face discrimination at work, study or in other spheres. It is also worth moving to France for the following advantages:

  • Convenient geographical location.
    France is located in the center of Europe, making it an important branch of international trade routes. The country has direct access to the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. Developed international communication allows to get directly to different points of the planet quickly and inexpensively. There are also many overseas territories under the control of the state, which can be visited for tourism or immigration purposes.
  • Excellent conditions and prospects for entrepreneurs.
    France is characterized by a diversified economy, which is oriented to the free market. Many spheres are well developed here – light and chemical industry, agriculture, tourism industry. Foreigners can easily open and develop business in the republic, as well as internationally, including the Single Market of Europe. The country has grant financing programs for IEs and startup entrepreneurs.
  • High income level of the population.
    The minimum monthly salary in France in 2025 is 1800 EUR before taxes. According to Eurostat, the Republic ranks 9th among the 27 EU member states in terms of the average annual income of the population, which amounts to 42,662 EUR. Even taking into account taxes in the amount of 30-40% (personal income tax is calculated at a progressive rate), the average resident receives about 2400 EUR per month. This amount is more than enough for living, which is confirmed by the purchasing power index of the population, which reaches 112.76 points (i.e., very high), according to Numbeo.
  • Rapid infrastructural development.
    In the Legatum Prosperity Index’s global prosperity ranking, France is ranked 16th out of 167 on the “Infrastructure and Market Access” criterion. The state is demonstrating a rapid pace of industrialization and digitalization. Even small towns and villages in the republic have everything they need for comfortable living. The southern regions are known for their world-famous beaches. For winter vacations, the French Alps and Pyrenees are suitable.
  • High standard of living.
    According to Numbeo, the overall quality of life index of the population in France is 166 points, which is very high. Residents have access to most medical services through basic insurance. The country has popular universities whose degrees are recognized worldwide. Many immigrants note equal conditions for comfortable adaptation of newcomers from different parts of the world. Also, France is one of the main cultural and historical centers of the world, which makes living here interesting and exciting.

The main stages of moving to France

To move to France for a long term (over three months), you must find a reason to open a local visa and/or residence permit. You will need to create an immigrant dossier, pay several state fees, visit the authorized bodies in your home country and in the Republic.

Choosing a reason for relocation

There are many reasons to move to France, but it is mainly available to those who have family ties to the country or whose activities may be of interest to the national economy. Immigration is also available on other grounds, such as for internships, Au Pair programs or volunteer work. However, these types of residence permits are issued for a limited period of time and do not allow you to naturalize in the country, that is, to apply for permanent residence and passport in the future.

If you are interested in moving to France for a long term, it is possible to open a residence permit for one of the following reasons:

  • employment in a local company (available in case the vacancy is not desired by French residents and EU citizens);
  • business development in the commercial, industrial, craft or agricultural field with the approval of the relevant authorities;
  • self-employment in a profession that does not involve compulsory employment (artists, interpreters, athletes);
  • investment in the economy of the country of 300,000 euros or more with the creation or preservation of four jobs for residents of the country;
  • business immigration through starting a startup, with the approval and funding of French venture capital funds or business angels;
  • employment as a highly qualified employee with a salary of one and a half times the national average (about 5400 EUR per month);
  • transfer to the French branch of an international company, including extended business trips;
  • reunification with family members from among legal residents of the Republic (children, spouses, parents, other relatives as an exception);
  • living at own expense without the right to work and doing business in France with legal income from 1500 EUR per month;
  • education in an accredited higher education institution on a full-time basis;
  • humanitarian reasons, for example, refugee status, temporary or subsidiary protection.

When choosing a program of emigration from another country to France, you should consider your financial capabilities, compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the chosen basis, the duration of residence permit and the possibility of its extension.

Preparing the necessary documents  

To move to France, you will need to collect a dossier, which includes the following documents:

  • valid passport of the home country with photocopies;
  • proof of accommodation in France (including rented accommodation);
  • a health insurance contract suitable for the Schengen area;
  • recent (not older than six months) personal color photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • receipts for payment of administrative fees for the visa and resident card;
  • a criminal record certificate issued in your home country;
  • information on your legal and permanent sources of livelihood.

Depending on the method of moving to France, you will need to supplement the dossier with documents that confirm the right to open a visa and residence permit. This can be an employment contract, a memorandum of association for a sole proprietorship, a letter of invitation from a university and so on.

Terms of consideration of requests

The French national visa (D) is granted within 15 days from the date of application. The waiting period may be extended if the consul needs additional documents or information from the immigrant. Applications for resident status in the country are considered without any time limit, but on average it takes up to six months, depending on the prefecture. It takes about three more weeks to wait for a residence permit card to be issued. Since to move to France you need to prepare a dossier and make an appointment with the authorities, you should take into account that this will also take some time.

Cost of moving to France

The main expenses when immigrating to France include payment of stamp duty for a national visa (50-99 EUR) and residence permit (225 EUR). You will need to arrange medical insurance, pay for translation and notarization of documents, services of outsourcing companies (when applying to the visa center).

Part of the money will be spent on cooperation with international law lawyers assisting in relocation. Separately, considerable sums will be required to organize the move, including the purchase of transport tickets, transportation of personal belongings, rent or purchase of housing in the country.

With the support of immigration specialists, you will be able to move to France with minimal costs. The lawyers will draw up an individual action plan for you to quickly and easily obtain the necessary status in the European Union. Get detailed information during a free consultation.

Visa and migration peculiarities

To move to France, you need to have a national (long-term) D-category permit to enter the country. You can visit the Republic under a visa-free regime or with a Schengen visa. However, in this case, you can stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days over a six-month period. For immigration purposes, you must obtain one of two categories of national visas:

  • VLS (Visa de long séjour)
    This visa is granted directly for entry into France, it does not in itself entitle you to reside in the Republic. Upon arrival, you will have 2 months to open a temporary resident card.
  • VLS-TS (Visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour)
    A combined permit to enter and reside in France, usually issued for labor and commercial purposes. You can stay in the country for 4 to 12 months without applying for a residence permit at the prefecture.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

The general process of immigration to France consists of a number of sequential actions and is as follows:

  1. Opening a visa for relocation.
    You can obtain permission to enter the country through the France-Visas website, as well as by directly submitting documents to a diplomatic mission or visa center in your home country. You should apply for a visa at least 3-4 months before your expected move. If your application is approved, you pick up your passport with a visa sticker and move to the Republic.
  2. Relocation and residence registration.
    You arrive in France with a national visa and register your residence at the prefecture. If your document is labeled VLS-TS, it is enough to verify it online on the official website of the Office for Foreigners. Otherwise, you make an appointment with the authority to obtain a temporary resident card.
  3. Registration of a residence permit.
    Within two months of entering France with a VLS visa, you should request a residence permit. To do this, you apply to one of the territorial police stations or prefecture (depends on the district). You will need to provide documents, be photographed and fingerprinted. You will be issued a residence card when it is ready.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit and French citizenship

You can count on a permanent residence permit after five years of continuous residence in France. To do this, you need to support yourself at all times without social benefits, have housing in the country (suitable and rented), health insurance and related documents. Permanent residency will not be given without knowledge of the French language – it must be learned to the level of A2 and pass the appropriate exam. Permanent residence is issued through the prefecture by personal application.

You can also get French citizenship after 5 years of stay in the country. In this case, your language level must be B1 or higher. You will also have to pass an integration exam, pass an interview at the prefecture and confirm your compliance with all the conditions of naturalization. A passport will be issued if you have no criminal record and no debts to the state (for example, taxes). As a French citizen, you receive many rights and privileges, including visa-free travel to the United States, Australia, and China.

Living in France: reviews and practical information

According to Numbeo, the list of the most favorable cities in France for moving is headed by Toulouse. This is one of the largest cultural, scientific and industrial centers of the republic, located in the south near the Mediterranean Sea. In second place is Lyon, the second most populous city. It is located near the Alps and is characterized by high development of international culture and tourism. Paris rounds out the top three. Despite the fact that the main economic life of the state is concentrated in the capital, immigration here is not so attractive due to expensive housing and street riots.

According to the reviews of foreigners who have moved to France, you can feel comfortable there anywhere, including small towns. The level of salaries across the country is approximately the same, but Paris is the leader with an average income of 3000 EUR after deduction of taxes. One person in the republic needs about 1000 EUR per month to live. This amount includes:

  • payment for utilities – 200 EUR per month;
  • daily grocery basket – 15 EUR;
  • internet and cell phone charges – 60 EUR per month;
  • a liter of gasoline – 1.8-2 EUR;
  • monthly transportation pass – 70 EUR;
  • a trip to a cinema – 10 EUR;
  • a fitness club membership – 30-40 EUR per month;
  • buying a pair of pants or a dress of the middle segment – 40-80 EUR.

Real estate in France is quite expensive. To rent a one-room apartment you need about 600-800 EUR per month. A dwelling in Paris will cost at least 1000 EUR, and on the outskirts. The price for 1 m² of real estate ranges from 3500 EUR in small northern towns to 12 000 EUR – in the capital or fashionable resorts like Nice. The market abounds with offers of objects in the historical housing stock and new buildings.

Taxes in France are quite high (up to 45% of personal income tax), but taking into account the size of salaries in the hands of residents still has a decent amount. The level of security depends on the city where you plan to stay. Many areas of Paris are crowded with migrants from former French colonies (for example, Algeria), which contributes to the growth of crime. Smaller towns and seaside resorts are quieter.

Take into account that the inhabitants of the Republic are not always willing to communicate in English, even if they speak it. Before moving for easy adaptation is better to learn French to a conversational level. In general, the mentality of the French is quite friendly and open. Active migration policy and adherence to the principles of democracy contribute to the fact that residents (including employers) calmly treat foreigners.

Advantages and disadvantages of moving to France

Living in France has many pros and cons. The main advantages of moving are the prospect of finding a high-paying job or opening a profitable business. Even people with a minimum income in the republic can provide everything they need – renting housing, buying groceries, paying for utilities and transportation. The country has a rich historical heritage and a lot of natural attractions, which will allow you to spend your free time actively and interesting. The health index here, according to Numbeo, is 77 points, that is, high.

Immigration has its own disadvantages, the main of which is the difficulty in finding a basis for opening a French residence permit. The country is interested in highly qualified specialists and investors, supports family reunification (for example, parents with a child or husband and wife).

In other cases, it is more difficult to obtain residency – for example, self-supporting foreigners must have a legal income of 1500 EUR per month, which is not available to everyone. To find the optimal program of relocation you will be helped by specialized lawyers. With their help you can easily immigrate to France without large investments.

How to simplify the immigration process to France

To move to France in an effortless manner, contact international law specialists. Lawyers will analyze your dossier, clarify your wishes and intentions, and then recommend the easiest ways to immigrate without a long wait and special costs. For example, you can obtain a passport of any EU country and stay in France with it for an unlimited period of time. The move for EU citizens is available for the whole family (with spouse, children and parents), without opening a residence permit, finding an immigration reason, providing information on income or language level.

With the support of immigration specialists, you can obtain an EU passport within 4-6 months. The procedure is as simple as possible and does not require you to pass integration testing, high financial security, compliance with the period of residence with a residence card abroad.

Specialized lawyers provide step-by-step assistance in emigration from other countries to the EU. Specialists will form a dossier for you, organize reception in the authorities, prepare for the interview, help with obtaining documents. Ask for a free consultation to start preparing for your move.

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